There are several thoughts brewing right now, none of which seems worthy of a full post. Thus we have another smorgasbord post.
To begin, I have been on a procrastination binge of blog-reading. I find the more I click links, the deeper I fall into the rabbit hole which is the J-blogosphere. I'm sure that other religions, and non-religious folks, for that matter, blog. I'm not so sure they must have each other linked in a spiraling web that leads inexorably to the deep discussions of religious minutiae that J-blogs do. I unfailingly find myself shaking my head, wondering if any of this will ever make sense, but the more I read, the more I find myself understanding. I might also note that Wikipedia is a girl's best friend sometimes. ;) As one poster of note stated, I'm "no Maimonides."
On another note, I bought a box of matzos the other week. Of course they were not kosher l'pesach, but since we've moved well beyond that point I could breathe a sigh of relief. Interestingly, my son and I are becoming addicted to matzos. He chose them over cheese crackers a couple days ago and any parent of a toddler knows that's well nigh a miracle. It must be the salt, the crispness, the slightly burnt edges...yum!
I'm reading the book Exodus by Leon Uris. I already watched the movie starring Paul Newman as Ari Ben Canaan (and may I say, he doesn't strike me as the Ari I would have pictured by reading the novel first?). The book is a bit different from the movie, if you haven't read one and seen the other. In all honesty I prefer the book. It's more realistic in the sense that the movie forces some characters to take on roles played by several people in the book. Not only that, but the book allows for more to play out, better development of characters, and is able to push beyond the declaration of statehood into the fight to hold the land. I may have to compose another post on Israel and its creation, because it simply astounds me.
I believe I'll save my final topic for a full blown post as well. Remind me about history, Aryan guilt, and the presumptuousness of fear. I may need to think it through more fully to do it anything near justice, but I'll try.
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