Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Today is a day of remembrance in the United States and for those citizens abroad. An online friend whose husband is stationed overseas went to visit the Luxembourg American Cemetary to pay her respects and stand in memory of those who went before in the name of a free country. These pictures were taken by her today, and I appreciate her sharing them with other military wives.

Regardless of whether we agree with the politics of war, we must remember that soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines all take oaths to support their country's Constitution, not the President, and not the Congress. Because of their oath of allegiance, they put their lives on the line for everyone, without political clout and without real monetary gain. Many serve in spite of their personal feelings and opinions. Many are serving today, missing out on picnics, on swimming, on grilling out, or on services. Others may unfortunately be witnessing first-hand the services of another generation who have sacrificed their all in the name of country.

Please take a moment to remember the fallen, and hold a respectful thought for their families and those who serve still.

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