Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My religion, a la Belief-O-Matic

1. Orthodox Judaism (100%)
2. Reform Judaism (96%)
3. Islam (95%)
4. Sikhism (91%)
5. Bahá'í Faith (89%)
6. Liberal Quakers (70%)
7. Orthodox Quaker (68%)
8. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (65%)
9. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (64%)
10. Jainism (59%)
11. Unitarian Universalism (57%)
12. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (54%)
13. Seventh Day Adventist (53%)
14. Jehovah's Witness (52%)
15. Eastern Orthodox (52%)
16. Roman Catholic (52%)
17. Neo-Pagan (51%)
18. Hinduism (48%)
19. Mahayana Buddhism (46%)
20. New Age (36%)
21. Theravada Buddhism (36%)
22. Secular Humanism (31%)
23. Scientology (30%)
24. New Thought (26%)
25. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (24%)
26. Taoism (22%)
27. Nontheist (21%)

I have taken this quiz on Beliefnet.com
more than once. After I had begun to question whether Jesus of Nazareth was "God Incarnate," I consistently had Judaism and Islam in my top 3-5. This makes sense, as I do believe in an all-powerful G-d.

Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad.

I know I'm not a Muslim because I fail the easy test: I don't believe in Muhammad as the Prophet. He may have been a discerning man who had visions, he may have been a very devout follower of G-d, but I don't believe he's the end-all, be-all in a religious sense, and while I do find common ground with many Islamic beliefs, I also take exception to some as well.

One of the funniest things I've found while taking this quiz was the legal disclaimer at the start:

Warning: Belief-O-Matic™ assumes no legal liability for the ultimate fate of your soul.

How great is that? :D

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