Monday, March 10, 2008

An introduction

A new much as I enjoy talking, you would think I would be bursting with wise and witty things to say about myself on this "crisp, white" page...but I'm doing a lot more pausing and thinking than I expected.

Well, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rivkah. I am a confused person, as many of us seem to be. :) I am also a daughter, a wife, a mother, and a friend. Professionally, I'm a student and a housewife. And most importantly, I'm a reader and a searcher. I was raised in a Presbyterian church by the equivalent of a Southern Baptist family. Now I am questioning all that I was raised in and with, and looking with new eyes on G-d and religion. You could call me a seeker, a potential convert, a ger, or a psycho. My rabbi has questioned my sanity. ;) But for now, just call me Rivkah, and if you wish you may listen in on my musings, meanderings, and muddles.

Take care!

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