Monday, April 6, 2009

Taking a quick blog break...

Things have been extremely busy in the last month or work has been an all-encompassing occupation, along with the final few meetings of my Intro to Judaism class. My major paper of the semester is written and Sunday will be the final class and final exam for Intro, so I am taking a much-needed break and trying to catch up a bit on my favorite blogs. No blogging experience would be complete without checking out this week's Haveil Havilim, hosted currently at Ima on the Bima's blog. It was through HH that I found this gem of Passover hilarity:

The Facebook Passover Haggadah

Huge hat-tip to the Tikkun Olam blog for this post, which brightened my afternoon considerably. There are several other wonderful posts in this week's HH, so please go check them out!

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