I visited my mother in the hospital this morning. She has several ailments right now, but thankfully she was in good spirits. I think seeing her grandchildren and getting lots of hugs helped brighten her day immensely, and my father's, too.
I love my parents. They are such a strong couple, dealing with so many illnesses and deaths in our family, my brother's deployment to Afghanistan last year, my husband's deployment coming up, my mother's illnesses which never seem to have answers...
People often joke about the Jewish "corner on the market" for guilt. Well, honey, cut me a big slice of that pie, because when I tell my parents I'm converting I will have guilt like nobody's business! I'm already feeling guilty just considering breaking the news to them, along with the guilt of not telling them all this time.
I ask myself, how can I bear to break my father's heart? Doesn't my mother have enough to bear right now? Honestly, I wonder don't I have enough to bear right now without throwing a conversion to Judaism into the mix. I've been feeling a stronger and stronger desire to tell my parents, though. I suppose once I reach that boiling point, I'll have found a way to tell them without making them feel at fault for my choosing this path, which is probably the part which worries me the most.
"Dear Mom and Dad: I love you. I'm becoming Jewish."
Isn't it great?
I was lucky that my parents were incredibly supportive and have seen the worst come out in other people's families with the news.
However, I've also seen those parents and children find new ground and come to terms with the conversion.
You'll find the right moment to share the news. Maybe not at Christmas like I did, just sayin'.
Ok, don't break the news at Christmas...duly noted, Leah! ;)
I'm hoping that I'm underestimating my parents. The in-laws reacted better than I expected, so there's hope! :)
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